Monday, November 21, 2011

Back story and team meeting

As I sit here at home, I wonder how I ended up a snowboard mom.  You know, like those hockey moms and soccer moms, I'll get to spend my time driving and waiting.  I'll be driving to ski mountains, spending time waiting in ski lodges (hopefully some with a nice big fireplace, good wi-fi, maybe Starbucks, and a great view of the mountain), then after a long day or evening on the slopes driving back home. So here I'll blog about our journey to the mountains.  After all, I've got to have something to do while I sit and wait.

We encouraged Sweet Pea to take up skiing.  After all, growing up in the great northern state of Virginia I had learned how to ski.  I went to college in New Hampshire so I could hit the slopes every once in a while between classes.  Met my native New Hampshire husband there and taught him to ski.  So, yes, we encouraged both girls to ski.  Now I'm wondering if that was such a great idea after all.  The first time they went Sweet Pea decided to give snowboarding a try; she didn't want to even look at a pair of skis.  She fell in love!  And really, the whole snowboarding culture is way more her style.  So she's snowboarded for 4 years now and wants to take it to the next level.  New this winter, instead of going to Whitetail every couple of weeks, she's going to join the snowboard team at Massanutten. That's where snowboard mom comes in.  Since she's only 15 she can't get herself there so I'll be driving her down two or three times a week for team practices and to who knows where for competitions.

So Saturday was our first introduction to what we're getting into.  I'm really glad we're starting at a smaller mountain in Virginia rather than a huge one in New England.  It's a smaller community and it'll be easier (I hope) to fit in.  Bob, Sweet Pea, and I went down to the Nut (as they lovingly call it) for the Ski and Snowboard Team meeting.  There we were introduced to the woman who runs the program, some of the coaches, and lots of details. The main thing we need to do right now (even though there's no snow on the mountain) is to get her paperwork in, pay for her season pass, then get her team coat and hoodie.  The first practice is Dec. 11, assuming that they are open by then. I need to pick her snowboard up from the rental place tomorrow and then she'll be set.  Just need the snow!

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