Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pictures from Nationals

A few pictures from Nationals, mostly of the BX course.

Appalachian Series in the Opening Ceremonies parade

Looking down past the holding area to the BX start

Whitney and Chad waiting

In the start gate for time trials

View of the start

Racing (she's on the left, blends in with the trees)

View further down the course

Monday, April 7, 2014

Post Season Blues

Someone is really suffering from the post season blues! I, on the other hand, am pretty happy to have all this time back. I get back about six hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays and at least eight on my weekends. I love the snow, but I'm ready to move on to shorts and flip-flops, spring flowers and warmer weather. I thought she was as well, but apparently not quite yet.

Whitney is still really wanting to snowboard. She's been dreaming about it - one morning she woke up sure she was late and Chad was going to be mad at her that she wasn't ready yet, another day she woke up sure she was still at Copper and was ready to head out and board. Sigh. The winter is over, my friend. I guess she had a really good season and wasn't quite ready for it to end yet. It doesn't help that Copper has gotten over a foot of snow since we left and from the USASA post I just saw, more is coming down today. She's got a busy spring/summer coming up and next winter will be here before she knows it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Last Days in Copper

We're in the home stretch now, the race is done, getting in some fun snowboarding time, then it's time to head home and hang up the board at the end of another great season.

Monday afternoon after the race and some lunch, Whitney and Chad were off to the tops of the mountain and boarding through the trees. Yesterday was the same deal. They were having a lot of fun on the high slopes, navigating through the trees (mostly successfully, but not always), exploring the mountain.

Whitney hurt her back and we ended up finding Medicine in Motion, a physical therapist/chiropractor that was here. So glad he was! I had emailed our chiropractor and she gave me some ideas to help Whitney but visiting him really helped loosen up her back. We'll be seeing Dr. Kathy when we get home to make sure things are on the right track.

Last night Chad went to Woodward and said it was a blast. Whitney was going to go but decided that her back was hurting too much, then wished she had. Maybe she'll give it a try next year. She had the option to go this morning, but decided she wanted to hit the slopes one last time for the season.

I spent the morning on the deck watching the open class practice for the half pipe. It was kind of chilly since the sun kept going in and out of the clouds and there were a few snowflakes falling. Kind of hoping that's the last I'll see of them this winter. It should be spring by the time we get home.

When they get back, it'll be time to finish packing up, catch the shuttle and hit the road to the airport.