Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's Early Still

So now she's got a few practices under her belt and she's feeling it. She spent her summer outside, very active, but apparently snowboarding uses different muscles than hiking, biking, and horseback riding do. The coaches have been pushing her, which is good, and she's feeling it. She was pretty sore last Sunday and a visit to the chiropractor helped, especially since he gave her some good stretches to use to help her stiff legs.

Now she just needs to get on the slopes more often. She's been down for three practices and except for a few runs after practice, she hasn't spent much time on the slopes. She'll be able to spend a lot more time there after Christmas, we'll be down for the week plus after Christmas. Not all the time will be on the slopes, but there will be plenty. The first competition isn't until the end of January but she's got a long way to go to get into competition shape and be ready for it.

To add an interesting twist to all this, I've decided to get back on a pair of skis again after 20 years. Bob and I skied quite a bit before the girls were born, but hung up the skis for several years. He started working with the youth at our church and one of the things they did was go on a day ski trip in January every year so he started skiing again. When the girls were old enough, even though they weren't youth, he took them with the group. That was the first time Whitney was on a snowboard and Sarah gave skiing a try. They've enjoyed it since. The last few years I've been the one taking Whitney to her competitions and mostly I can hike up the mountain to watch her but there's a few resorts where the race course is pretty high up and not easily accessible unless you're on skis or a snowboard so I've decided it's time to get back out there. The other thing I realized I missed was the view. I really like being on the top of the mountain surveying God's creation. I loved taking the lift up in Colorado and besides watching Whitney race, just taking in the view was amazing. It's not quite the same here on the East Coast, but it's still pretty spectacular. We went to the Fall Fest at Massanutten a couple of years ago and were able to ride the lift up (then hike back down, the line for the lift down was long!) and the view was pretty great. So I've got a pair of skis at the ski shop, hopefully ready to pick up tomorrow, apparently a helmet and goggles are under the tree, just need to get a season pass and I'll be set. Hopefully I'll be able to walk after my first day back on the slopes.

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