Monday, December 28, 2015

Weird, Warm Winter

This has been the weirdest, warmest winter so far. It was cold enough at night for a few days that Massanutten was able to blow some snow, then it got warm and it all melted. I think they made more later and were open a day or so then had to close because on Christmas it was 70* outside! So there's been no snowboarding in Virginia so far and I'm doubting that Whitney will have the chance to hit the slopes before she heads back to college. It is supposed to get cold again towards the weekend so snowmaking should resume but we'll see how long it takes to get open again. Not really worth it for a season pass for Whitney at this point.

Up in Maine they had some snow over the weekend and are under a winter storm warning tonight/tomorrow. That means that they should have some good snow on the slopes when she gets back and also probably in town. Hopefully she'll have plenty of time to get out on the slopes before she has a race. She just found out that the Maine Mountain Series is moving the date of the first bx race to February. Major bummer. Her boyfriend was going to drive back up to school with her and watch her race next month. It also means that she won't be coming home for her February break since the race is the end weekend of break and because of that she won't be racing down here. Maybe she should have stayed part of the Appalachian Series. Oh well. It will all work out in the end.

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