Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sugarloaf GS

Last weekend was the first GS race Whitney had the chance to go to since the ones at Massanutten were rescheduled (due to not enough snow), then the ones in New Hampshire were rescheduled (due to a winter storm coming in). She was up and to the mountain early as per usual on race day only to sit and wait. In general there's a lot of hurry up and wait in snowboard racing but this was worse. It was a windy morning at Sugarloaf, the chair lifts weren't running, and the USASA organizers were in a meeting with the mountain operations people. They were hoping to wait it out and see if the winds would die down but they shortly decided to postpone the race until Sunday. The mountain closed for the day it was so windy.

Back again on Sunday and this time things were a go. While GS isn't Whitney's specialty she does really well at it. There were two open class women and Whitney came in first both races they ran. She was happy to get the race under her belt since she has USCSA Regionals Feb. 23/24 and has to race GS and SL there. She's not sure what kind of competition, if any there will be but she wanted to get at least one GS race in before Regionals.

Off to the next race!

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