Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday River BX, Part 2

Today was a pretty day, but colder than yesterday. Yesterday there were pretty flurries falling almost all day; snow that didn't really amount to anything. Today was bright and sunny; not quite bluebird skies but close. Problem was that it was colder and windy. Not much fun when you have to stand on the side of a mountain to watch racing.


Today there were fewer racers than Saturday, not by a lot but enough to change brackets around. One reason for fewer racers was that a few athletes were headed to Colorado for a Hole Shot race. Whitney wanted to go but she has to be in NH for a race on Saturday and with travel from Colorado she wouldn't get back in time to get to NH. The other reason was the injuries on Saturday which took out two skiers along with a snowboarder on Friday.

They ended up putting Whitney with the other Open Class rider, a guy, and with a Jams woman, so it was a good race. The guy was bigger and heavier so he got out first and was ahead. Whitney said she had a poor start and was behind both the other riders, almost caught the Jams woman but didn't quite have enough real estate. In any case she got another first since she was the only one in Open Class.

Today was also Senior Recognition Day, which was nice. I'm glad I could be there for her (even if it was kind of lame just because of the venue/race). She's been named female Student-Athlete of the week twice this semester which is very cool. Getting close to the end of the season and her collegiate racing but there's still a month to go and lots of racing between now and April.

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